cinematography for drama udemy bestseller 这是一套大师级戏剧摄影培训课程,已翻译中文字幕,包含4个模块,教您在厨房、卧室、餐厅及酒吧如何拍摄,并区分白天与夜晚的处理方法,详尽的讲述了如何布光、如何运镜、如何使用拍摄设备,非常不错,收藏备用!
cinematography for drama – udemy bestseller consists of four modules(课程内容):
1. int. kitchen – day
- the principle of short key
- blocking
- lighting and shooting the slider shot
- shooting the punch-in
- the finished scene
2. int. bedroom – night
- blocking the actors and finding angle
- lighting part 1: practicals and a streetlight
- lighting part 2: ambience and exposure
- shooting the master
- setting up the reverse
- shooting the reverse
- the finished scene
3. int. restaurant – day
- creating depth with blocking
- lighting part 1: the broad strokes
- lighting part 2: the details
- shooting the wide
- matt’s single
- kate’s single
- the reverse
- the finished scene
4. ext. bar – night
- blocking
- planning the lighting
- checking the lighting
- rehearsing with the gimbal
- shooting the leading shot
- the side-on tracking shot
- the following shot
- the finished scene
cinematography for drama udemy bestseller 教程片段
cinematography for drama udemy bestseller 图文介绍